We are New Yorkers...

And this moment in time has affected us all in many different ways. So when Governor Andrew Cuomo asked for help in raising awareness around the importance of wearing a mask, we felt inclined to get involved. 

The spirit of New York and an optimistic view on how we will handle and beat this virus was the best approach.

We hope you enjoy, share and practice.


Business, Post COVID-19: How to make the most of Virtual Technology to grow your business once the crisis is over.

How you use Intimate Digital Conference Room technology can set you apart from your competitors, get you closer to your clients, and leave you better off than your competitors when the crisis is over.

Canopy Futurist Advisor, John Krubski, reveals how Virtual Meetings Can Be More Effective than the “real thing.”


“It’s not about mechanics. It’s about dynamics. What we make of this moment in time can have a profound impact on the way we do business in the post COVID era."

"As the business world moves towards virtual meetings out of necessity, I fear we might just miss the really big opportunity," says Krubski. "I believe that, done right, digital meetings can actually be more powerful and productive than same-room meetings. I have seen that happen over and over."

Here are three of the factors the video below covers in full that give virtual meetings an edge over their face-to-face counterparts. (Workshops and training are available.) 

  1. The Safety of Digital Solitude: A virtual meeting puts up a barrier, but that does not mean it squashes the flow of ideas. Much like people are freer to speak their minds when posting to social media, employees are more likely to contribute in a bold way in front of their screens.

  2. Permission to Think Out Loud: Just the presence of others makes thinking a cautious activity. Even though staff members are not alone during a virtual meeting, the simulated feeling of isolation is enough to get some creative thought patterns going.

  3. Access to Collective Native Intelligence: When participating in an in-person meeting, we limit our contribution to our specific job function. Away from those constructs, people open up and open up to ideas that draw on the breadth of their experience.



Fail Until You Can’t Anymore: Why Failure is the Path to Success

We’re taught to dread the big letter “F” from the time we are six years old. Before we even learn to tie our shoes, society is hammering into our heads that failing is one of the worst things you can do. But no matter how anguishing it can be, failure is the tried and true path to success. For business owners, especially, failure is not something to fear, but something to embrace.

Why is failure a problem?

Failure isn’t the problem. A person’s response to failure is where the problems start. No one is born wise or knowing how to make the best decisions in all situations. People are limited by their own experiences of the world and the information they have on-hand at a particular moment in time. Failing is inevitable. But another issue with failure is the way society views failure and those who fail.

A lot of shame goes into the word “failure.” People may be embarrassed to analyze failure and go into denial about it or avoid the topic altogether. Another issue is that people will get a sense of schadenfreude, and ridicule those who’ve had some success, but have made mistakes. Their accomplishments are minimized, while their failures are magnified. But getting wrapped up in negative emotions hampers a person’s ability to use a failing experience to their benefit, either their own personal mistakes or as a witness to someone else’s.

What are the consequences of how society views failing?

People are obsessed with avoiding failure, no matter what. This is one of the reasons why helicopter and snowplow parents exist. Failure becomes the big bad wolf that everyone must protect themselves and their loved ones against. The shame, ridicule, and embarrassment of failure when someone attaches a lot of emotional baggage to it can become too much. But when you’re able to move past the emotions and baggage associated with failure, you can see how failing can sometimes be the best thing to happen to you. If not, it’s impossible to grow, take risks, and become the person you want to be.

Why is failure a good thing? 

Failure is how someone builds confidence. People become confident when they do something, persevere, and eventually succeed. Also, failing gives people valuable learning opportunities. Failing, and seeing how to pivot your strategies keeps life interesting, and encourages self-sufficiency too. These benefits are incredibly useful to adults, children, and entrepreneurs.  

Is failure the quickest path to success?

Yes, it is. Failure is not the enemy of success, but comfort is. When someone stays in their comfort zone, they stagnate. Stagnation is the death knell of a company and personal growth too. Instead of avoiding failure, companies should learn to embrace it instead. For brands, failure shows you weak spots or holes in your skillset that you’ll need to refine. In this way, failure helps your company grow. The faster you fail, learn from your mistakes, and take action, the quicker you will succeed in business.