Wellness Trends To Watch For In 2023

We're excited to see how the wellness industry evolves in 2023.

In the last three years, we've seen a big shift in how people think about health and wellness. Consumers are spending more money on wellness, but they're also becoming savvier about how to integrate wellness into their daily routines.

Here are our predictions of what we'll see more of as brands rise to accommodate consumer wants and needs:

  • Personalization & Real Benefits: Brands will continue to develop customized supplements along with tailor-made products with wellness-boosting benefits.

  • Authentic Brand Endorsements: As brands gear up their marketing plans for 2023, they should be looking at what actually works—real people and real customer stories and endorsements will be more important than ever before.

  • More Affordable Wellness Options For All: The real opportunities for brands are in serving a wider population of consumers at a lower price, going from a novelty item to a necessity in the consumer wellness journey.

  • Genuine Sustainability: Brands will have more conversations around why sustainability is a value for them, the consumer, and the earth.  

  • Rest And Recovery Technology Go Mainstream: We'll see brands present technologies such as products for injuries, sleep solutions, and more